
By LadyFindhorn

Tea for Two

My day started with an enjoyable cycle round the marches and up to the Braids. The sun wasn't out, but it was bright and extremely chilly. My substantial thighs took ages to defrost once I was back home in the castle.

After a tea and coffee break with his Lordship in the Metropole at a time when the staff didn't stack the china or grind the coffee beans, both events which cause his Lordship some anxiety, it was back to the castle turrets to continue with the rationalisation of years of collective hoarding.

My job was to bring forth all the hoarded paintings so that his Lordship could burn them while saving the frames for the charity shop. This meant I had a lot of tramping up and down two flights of stairs, lugging heavy pictures for demolition and also bringing down things for the local charity shop. It struck me as amazing that I had thought these paintings of mine were worthy of storage for all these years. Frankly, they were appalling.

All that remains in the attic cupboard now are art portfolios which will be delivered to their respective owners, a ton of camping equipment and a box of treasured belongings of an expat.......oh and I forgot to mention a lot of bags and cases which will have to be sorted at a later date.

This afternoon I am going to bake a birthday cake for sons #1 & #2 whose birthday it is tomorrow. Unfortunately they won't be able to actually eat the cake as they both live far away, but I will send each of them a virtual slice by way of the internet and his Lordship and I will eat the rest.

The cake I made for my birthday was such a disaster that my friend gave me a present of a birthday cake kit which I'm hoping will result in something edible this time.
Here's hoping, although as long as it looks nice the boys won't know what it tastes like, will they? And I'll keep schtumm!

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