
By cracker

Long Tail Boat

Had a taxi ride to the pier then a ferry ride over to Koh Phangan this morning. We arrived in Haad Rin, which is on a point, then walked about 10 minutes from one side of the point to the other. We had been recommended by our travel lady at the hotel we stayed at in Koh Samui, that we get a long tail boat from Haad Rin to Thong Nai Pan Yai instead of a taxi across the island.

We were so pleased that we did because what could have been just another part of our day (a taxi ride) turned out unexpectedly to be a highlight of our whole trip so far! The trip took about 40 mins and we travelled north up the coast, racing across the blue ocean with the sun shining, the wind in our hair with beautiful scenery all around us! It was our own private boat ride to our secluded beach bungalow. The boat ran right up onto the sand 20 metres from the front door of our room!

We have spent the rest of the day swimming in the beautiful water, eating and laying around relaxing! I also had an hour long massage just before dinner tonight! What a life!! Had a beautiful Pad Thai for dinner, then a walk along the beach and now in our room about to watch dvd!

Snorkelling trip planned tomorrow and maybe some more?relaxing!!
This shot is of the sight we were greeted with when we emerged from the streets of Haad Rin onto the beach where we were to catch our boat taxi. Our boat was number 9!


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