Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Timeless Fashion?

So today's theme was fashion. Not one of my favourite topics being more of a jeans and T-shirt type of gal! I HATE shopping and am even in the process of recruiting my own personal shopper to avoid the mindless chore that is clothes shopping!

So I wasn't going to blip today. Spent the day in Brechin and believe me there was little there to inspire on the topic of fashion. It was wet in the evening so not even a chance of some outdoor blips to fill in with

Then I mentioned to Jackus my LBD. She nagged and insisted. So we have my first ever LBD which still has a place in my wardrobe. I reckon its 27 years old. Still fits - which is only to say I have been this odd little shape for most of my life! It was my first proper dress for a grown up cocktail do.

I might dust it down for the next :-)

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