Dumb luck and a camera
I was going to do a "milestone" photo but both of the ones I'd planned/contrived looked, well, planned and contrived and not very satisfactory. To be honest, I think the first 100 must be the easy ones. It feels it's been easy and I read someone else's bigger hundred today which confirmed that it'll be more of a milestone if I can reach a much bigger number, having exhausted the photos lying at my feet (so to speak) and still feel, on the whole, reasonably pleased with them. I hope I'm still thinking 'could do better'. Anyway, as it turned out, my contrivances, nice though they were to have in reserve, didn't stand up against a couple of the proper photos I'd taken today and that's my basic rule - post the best you've got today.
I opted for this celebration of dumb luck - of just standing there pointing the camera at an empty lane and, seeing him coming, watching a bloke walk into the puddle of light. He didn't seem to notice or care but I kept taking photos anyway just in case he thought I was taking a photo of him ;-) Dumb luck and some post-processing.
But it is the hundredth and I'm expecting some people to drop by and say hello. Acknowledgements are due to Joe for having the idea and the Blipfoto crew who provide the site, but personally, the main thanks go to Pensioner for sending me a link and Just Sitting for being on the other end of the link with one of his fine photos, making it instantly obvious that this was a thing to be joined. It's been great to have an old passion rekindled. It's nice to look back and see the photos getting better. Thanks to all the people who've been commenting and subscribing. And to all the people I subscribe to for providing ideas, even though you didn't mean to. If you've popped in for the first time, feel free to look around and let me know what you think.
Now I have a photo to link to the day we got a bunch of pudgy-faced Etonian toffs as a government. Marvellous. Short may it last.
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