Qu'est-ce que je fais ?

By waitingforgodot

Posting Again

It has been way too long...

Since my move to San Francisco, I've tried cracking into what is a very, very saturated photography market. There are probably three photographers for every person living in the city. OK... so maybe I'm exaggerating. There are a lot, however. And very good ones at that.

Several times, I've been on the verge of being hired for weddings or other jobs, only to be sent a "no thanks, we've decided to go with somebody else" e-mail, or no e-mail at all. It's somewhat disheartening, but I continue to imagine that there's a niche here for me somewhere.

In the meantime, I've gotten a part-time job with the Census Bureau doing interviews of households which failed to return their questionnaires on time. It's good pay but won't last very long. I tested for a supervisory position this evening and was rather stunned at the difficulty of the exam. I'm not feeling particularly confident it will lead to anything, but I have a second opportunity to take the exam in a couple of weeks.

I think I'll schedule myself to take it before I even know how I fared on the first attempt. That is how confident I feel about my first effort.

On a lighter note... I continue to love the view from my window. The morning light* washes gold on the hills to the west (and a little north) of here, and while I don't get to actually see the sunset in the evening because of the hills, the sky against which they are silhouetted is often breathtakingly gorgeous.

I am perpetually taking photos from the window of the streetcars and other activities along our street, which is a major artery in town. It's a little loud at times, and there are a good number of homeless people populating the street corners, but it's generally a clean and vibrant area. And have AI mentioned the view?

The lease is due to run out at the end of March of next year and since the building manager is quite the lout, so, it's likely I'll move to another, more diverse part of town, the Mission District, to a smaller and cheaper place. Also... there's a little bit more active artistic community there that I might have to get involved in.

*This was taken mid-day.

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