
By dogwithnobrain

Wacky Races

These little boats sailing out on the Clyde, are part of Troon Cruising Club.

Every Wednesday night for as long as I can remember they have had "Wacky Races".

Troon Cruising Club has been part of my life since I was 5. My mum became secretary, and still is!

My childhood consisted of Saturday visits to the "Bethel", a dirty smelly old shed where the members worked on the boats. I loved the smell of diesel.

In 1976 the Docks Board sold out the "Inner Basin", to a Development Company to Build a Marina. The Cruising Club fought and fought, and with the help of MP's took their case to the House Of Commons and eventually won the right to keep a section of the Basin for their club.

The club is the essence of everything a club should be. Of course, there is a core group of members who "always " do. But that group is added to each year, and more people join the club each year. They have social events, dances, Burns suppers, Musters, Cheese and Wines, Theme Nights, Parties for kids. Is a real community.

I worked in a Marina, and our team for 4 experience boat lifters, on a busy day, in the busy season would lift maybe, 10 boats. Twice a year, the Cruising Club have Lift In, or Lift Out. All members available come down, hire a crane, and lift as many boats in or out as are wanting to. What a formidable team they make - complete with bacon roll makers in the kitchen, dolling out hot rolls and hot tea to the workers.

My life was shared each year by a new "man" who came around the house. The Elected Commodore was round at our house at least 2 or 3 times a week, discussing membership, club matters, or finance with my mum. These men probably knew as much about me as I knew about them. They were part of the furniture.

When the Club celebrated it's 50th Anniversary in 2005 - they made me mam the Commodore - she had held the position of Secretary Treasurer since 1969 - it was only right her association with the club was recognised. What a year she had. Many, Many Celebrations Parties, and all Sorts!.

But I digress. Wednesday Night. Wacky Races. Lovely. Especially on a night like this. Everytime I see them, I still think to myself. Aw. Wacky Races. And this from me, who doesn't sail, doesn't go on boats, and haven't been near my mum's administration centre (my old bedroom), for years! But I do like a Sailor!

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