Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Concrete Jungle Where Dreams Are Made Of...

My entire family (except myself obviously) is going to NYC tomorrow.

Without me. :(

It's the first holiday they've all been on together where I haven't joined them and it really is a bit of an odd feeling. They're also heading off in September to Disney, which of course I'm insanely jealous of. But I'll cope when I see the presents they've bought me.

I jokingly said to my mum as I left hers tonight, 'make sure nothing happens to you all, or I won't have any family left'. Now obviously I was joking but it really did make me realise that if something did happen...I'd be pretty much alone. Bleurgh.

So that kinda bummed me out so I've come home to eat ice cream and drink wine.

Night Blippers. :)

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