Bliptures from jayman888

By jayman888

There's a time and a place for a McDonald's

The need for a coffee, a wee and wifi made McDonald's my temporary 3rd office and oasis today. I was miles from home and too far from my London Office and had to get some work stuff done that couldn't be done on my Blackberry.

This is the McD on the A120 at Stansted Airport.

But beware, this Mcdonald's has cameras that photograph your car as you enter the car park and will only allow you to park for 60 mins. If you stay any longer you will get a parking ticking from an independent car parking company.

I had people to speak to and spreadsheets to email so ended up staying more than 60 mins. I only noticed the signs in the car park when I took this picture as I was about to leave.

I went back in and complained a bit to the manager and she wrote my details in a big black book full of Car Registrations. By the amount of entries in the book she must have had loads of complaints. This is the first time I've come across a McD with a parking policy. She was very nice and said I would not get a ticket.

Let's wait and see.

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