electric glass

By electricglass

standing stone mystery solved.

There are some interesting things around the house I'm living in now.

These three standing stones are in the back yard. I'm curious what they are for. But not curious enough to ask. I like making up stories about their existence such as:

These three standing stones remain standing from the ancient tribes the lived in the neighborhood. Needing a place to rest their bums and worship there gods. They erected these stones.

The Three Stones represent the trilogy of most powerful deities. The would lay down offerings of flattened maize chips and chopped up tomatoes with spicy-spices mixed in. Included was a large stone chalice of barley mead. Offering this up for a period of moments. They would follow it up with sitting on the largest stone and prop their legs up on the smaller one. Then would commence the ritual with consuming the offerings. (They couldn't let them go to waste)

Aone time there was a wooden slat to rest their backs on. But with it's nature the wood has broken down from time and erosion. Lost forever.

This is the earliest example ever discovered proving the speculated prehistory of the La-z-boy.

yeah that seems like a good explanation. Can you tell that I'm ramping up for english class starting up next week?

Thanks for checking out my blip tonight.

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