Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

A whole new world to explore

Mummy showed me the garden today,
Its very bare at the moment,
as its in middle of being done,
It may only be small, our little piece of land,
but its still a whole new big place,
for my little eyes, my little ears, and my little hands,
New things to see, touch, feel, hear,
No licking as mummy said that's a no no,
A spider walking across the path,
A bit of wood chip under my toes,
the breeze running through my fingers,
as I wave to the seagulls on the roof,
I squeal in delight as I run my hands
across the floor, discovering new textures,
my eyes wide with delight as I hear the gulls,
I think I'm going to like my garden,
Lets just hope the sun stays out to play!

mummy note, some of you may recall the paddling pool but the garden wasnt fit to actually play in at the time!!! it was pool & house no playing anywere else, till now!!

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