Although usage limits disguised as fair use policies and subsequent bandwidth throttling are the sorts of despicable practise which forced me to ditch Eclipse in favour of Be just over a year ago we're now stuck with such things for the immediate future thanks to the unfortunate prevalence of Vermin Media cable-supplied internet and telephony around here. Last year it took downloading almost all five series of The Wire in less than a fortnight to trigger a pre-throttling mild warning (though I still switched provider in response to it) whereas it appears to have only taken one episode of Tremé to beget a few hours' throttling from Vermin. Either that or the contention around here is so extreme that 2.3mbps is the best their manky cables can provide. They're supposed to be coming back on Saturday to drill a new big hole in the front wall to enable their connection point to be stuck in a slightly more unobtrusive section of interior so I'll be checking the speed regularly until then just in case they can be safely ditched before they start creating things which have to be replastered.
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