a town called E.

By Eej

Friday. What? It isn't?


Yes, there was a distinct feeling of friday in the air.
The Beloved took me to our favourite restaurant because I'm awesome and so is he, and after dinner we drove around to enjoy the big bulky clouds.
It's been ghastly out all day: I woke up at 5.30 this morning to the sound of thunder and had to rescue the kitties that spend the night in the sunroom. They are separated not because we love them less but because they wake us up at all hours of the night trying to trick us into thinking it's morning and feeding time.
Two of them are terrified of thunderstorms and the sunroom has windows on three sides so it's rather exposed.

The rain continued throughout the day until about 4, when it became scorching hot and humid. Oh joy.

But the clouds were spectacular, and Michigan is green, green, green and lusciously so!

Doesn't look bad BIG

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