Rodents rule

By squirk

Wildlife haven

I had a home day today, but I have to call myself 'half-a-job' Squirk because I trimmed only half the hedge and painted only half the windows I wanted to paint. Oh well.

F and I escaped the house to walk around the block and ended up in the cemetery, which isn't far from the house. The cemetery is a haven for wildlife - we saw a half dozen magpies, squirrels carrying huge conkers, a couple of jays and a green woodpecker. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to snap the woodpecker. So, here is a view that can't fly away.

Here's more information about the cemetery. The large gravestone to the right belongs to John Britton. I always think of it as The Monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey and F thought it may have inspired Stanley Kubrick as he filmed part of A Clockwork Orange in West Norwood (in Nettlefold Hall), but we've discovered through Google that A Clockwork Orange was filmed after 2001. It really does look like The Monolith though.

The pointed mausoleum belongs to James William Gilbart.

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