A lost Yank

By AlostYank

Jacuzzi time for you mate!

Went out to North Berwick to drop of camping equipment for for the family. I'm staying back because of work and they are out there until Sunday. 2 days alone what am I going to do with myself? Anyway a neighboring camper didn't like the idea of cooking crabs and gave them to us. They are boiling away as I'm typing this. On a total different note, a beautiful husky type dog was hanging around our front door at work. Still on its lead but no owner. We took it in and got it out of the rain and feed it. A dog like this I can only imagine would cost at least £800 or more. And any owner with a dog like that probably wouldn't let it out of his sight. We could only imagine that something dreadful has happen to its owner. We called the police who were not interested and then PDSA and other animal groups. This was a very placid, beautiful dog. I hope everything works out for her.

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