Jeannette's Journal

By jeannette1968

Superleague Formula in Assen

As of today, 3 days in a row there will be a great Superleague event in Assen. It will be the first Dutch Superleague Formula Grand Prix. The race will take place at the well known TT circuit.
As kick-off of this event several Formula V12 racingcars gave a show on the mainroad along the canal in Assen. Thousands of people came to see these cars race along the canal! 150 db of blazing roaring engines. So exciting!

This is by far the best picture I could take because the cars drove so fast. I also took one of a red racingcar, which is also pretty nice.

I think this looks rather great in large!

I had a great evening. Because of the crowd I couldn't find a good spot to take my pictures. Then one of the shopowners invited us to come up to their balcony! I had a great view!!! I was jumping up and down with excitement! ( curious what those people must have been thinking of such a crazy lady, but who cares! They even invited us back if the event repeats next year!!!)

Have a nice weekend you all! I'm sure mine will be great, even more so because I will be going to a concert of Lady GaGa tomorrow evening!

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