mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Cute Babies!

This is the best of the bunch, so hard to get all three of them to face the camera!! This is P, N and little Aidy. All born in October, P and N just 2 days apart and Aidan 3 weeks later.

Had Monkey Music class this morning. Aidan was not happy about being woken up and dragged along. Until he realised where he was and started laughing and slapping his hand on the floor with excitement. Easily amused. When we got home Aidan had more toast, this pleased him very much. After playing for a very short period of time he started rubbing his eyes and crying so I put him in bed and he was alseep in less than 5 minutes.

I was meeting N and P's mummies for coffee in The Centre at 2pm so I had to wake Aidan up at 1.15pm. He was not happy. Waking him up early from two naps in one day. Not a good idea. He fell asleep in the car though and was actually in quite good spirits (considering) at the shops. After coffee and a cake we had a wee wander round the shops. My friend E (P's mummy) is a trained first aider and when we saw a woman who had a fall she went to the rescue. I think she did a really good job, such a caring person she is too.

Tonight I have made a few more meals for Aidan for the freezer. Knackered again tonight! Must take it easy! Off out to Stirling tomorrow for a girls day/night out. Looking forward to it :)

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