
By Madz

Goldfish gang

enyas party.
it was so eventful.
we missed our bus, so we couldnt go bowling.
we were at the bus stop and we thought these 2 old ladies were stalking us, because they just sat in their car staring at us (it was creepy)
we caught the next bus with our friends who were going into town.
Met this guy, who knows my sister, whos pretty cool.

We got to town,
went to KFC and Maccas.
Then we saw 20+ 13 to 16 year olds running down the street.
and enya yells "what are you doing?"
and these 2 girls (possibly drunk) yell back "%$#@ up
and my friend replies with the same saying.
next thing we know theyre all up in our grill
and they steal my friends Deluxe Cheeseburger tight before she ges to take a bite.

it was interesting to say the least

Until tomorrow

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