A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Fuzzy logic*

Later this afternoon is my godson's 6th birthday party and what I may not bring in godliness I hope I make up for with other contributions.

There is much excitement in this house about the party and the promised exploits of 'Magic Rob' - I do love a good entertainer. The rest of the day is being more mundanely spent on domestic and homework style chores.

Following the party, we will have four hyped-up kids in the house to settle down whilst the grown-ups enjoy a nice dinner. I'm such an optimist, I assume it will actually happen.

Oh, and I have to mention the gloriously blue skies and the warm, warm temperature - welcome back! Does such a lot to life the spirits.

Happy Saturdays to all
Lesley x

ps - I took plenty of in-focus pictures and no real idea why this one appealed more. Sorry if it makes your eyes hurt.

*with apologies to the geekworld

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