Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Hold on to your hat

Today we planned on spending all day tidying up the back garden. Our efforts were cut short when kerrsdaddy received a phonecall from his friend offering him a free ticket for the Scottish Cup Final at Hampden. His friend was supposed to be going with his wee boy, who is unfortunately unwell, so there was a spare ticket.

This was taken just after we came in from the garden, when kerrsdaddy couldn't resist trying his cap on Kerr.

We then attempted to drive kerrsdaddy to Hampden - bad idea! Traffic was far too busy, so we abandoned him in Rutherglen - 2 miles from the stadium, and he walked briskly the rest of the way. The game is nearly finished now, so I'm waiting on a phonecall to see if our taxi services are required again - hopefully not!

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