new specs

It's been about three years - it was due time to go to the eye dr. But here's the thing: I think my vision has actually improved. He said I'm 25/30. How can that BE?! For several years, I wore glasses every day. They did help me with everyday things like driving (specifically at night) and seeing things like the ticker tape along the bottom of CNN. I quit wearing them every day and now just wear them when I work on the computer. They seem to take the edge off of the tired feeling my eyes get when I'm looking at the screen for many hours at a time. But also, they tell my brain that it's time to get into work mode. I can generally see things pretty well without them, but I kinda want to say that it hasn't been like that for always. How do eyes get better on their own? I'm taking my old glasses to my dr to see if there is a difference in the positive way. How strange.

I also feel like my wrinkles are going away, but I think I know why that is. Magic in a spray bottle. I don't really understand why this works, but within 24 hours of the first spritz, I started noticing a difference.

I'd be Benjamin Buttons were it not for the gray hairs I keep finding on the top of my head.

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