My life in blips

By Goretex

Oops a daisy!

The day started early as usual and as I drove off to Sainsburys at 8am, had a quick chat with Killerqueen and SD who were getting the car packed to go off to Mull for a rugby tournament.

Then I went for a haircut - A BIG HAIRCUT! I've had about 5" off the back, but it's fine and I like it. It's not so short at the front, so it just looks like the rest of my hair is hidden in my jacket!

Went for a coffee in town in the afternoon, then came back and took MP for a throw of the ball. It was windy and I felt I could throw the ball like the Bionic Woman!

Just heating the rest of the steak pie and Eubers is going out to get CHIPS to have with it ..... and I thought he was fabulous yesterday!

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