
By portobelloman

Stookie Away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back to the hospital today to have my plaster cast removed hurray!!!.In Scotland a plaster cast has always been called a "Stookie" with Scots dictionary defining it as "Plaster cast for a broken limb etc.. Or 'to stand there, jist like a stookie' - frozen, statue-like".
Some of the auld Scots words (and some of the new) origins have been lost in the midst of time, but like words like "Dreich" (a horrible wet day) or skunner (a bad feeling) they have a vibrance that I have always loved, and I was pleased to see that the local High school encourages pupils to use the Scots dialect (Porty blethers), when I was at school we very much discouraged from doing so, ach weel its a sair fecht.

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