My Aim is True


A brand new concept

Peering into people's hooses is great isn't it? And quite easy to do in Embra tenements.

Do you remember the blip I took 827 days ago?

In case you've forgotten it was this ; the new bar that was "a brand new concept".

Today I noticed that it's been gutted and being transformed by Weatherspoons (whose remit seems to be to make pubs as dire as possible; cheap beer and dreadful food). The refit back 850 days ago must have cost tens of thousand of pounds. Actually probably several hundred thousand pounds. It beggars belief, especially as I am someone that uses things until they break and are unrepairable.

And talking of drink. I am sure that the rise is drinking in this country parallels that of the rise in ownership of the mobile phone; I was on the way home, when I got an offer I couldn't refuse.

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