Canberra - Commonwealth Ave Bridges

So with a slight fuzzy head this morning we headed to the Bus Markets with one of my to do tasks (whilst in Canberra) in chutney!!! Not just any chutney, Chilli & Garlic chutney that is just amazing !!!! We have been craving it since we were last in Canberra about a year ago.....

I bought 4 jars & our Kiwi friends Nathan & Tamsin had bought us one as a I came home with 5 jars....should keep us going for a while......When we stayed in Canberra the Indian lady who sells it was concerned for the well being of our bowels when we polished off a jar in a week & bought more at the following market !!!!

So after some coffee we headed for the our far more important beer !!! There is a bottleshop in Canberra which in my opinion is one of the best I have ever visited & I've been in a few!!! They have such a good selection of beers from all over the place, they are not cheap but are so worth it !!!! Its called Plonk & its at the Fyshwick Markets ( I may have mentioned that before ) if you ever find yourself in Canberra & want some amazing beer to drink along with buying fireworks & porn (two other things Fyshwick is famous for) its worth a try!!!

So having spent enough money for 3 cases of decent beer on only 12 bottles of beer from Plonk (very hard to find American Craft beers might I add).....we thought it was a good idea to get me as far away from the place as possible!!! We hit the road, stopping to take this picture on the way......

It was really nice being back in Canberra, its not the most popular place with Aussies but I really like it down there & would be living there now had I been able to get a job down there.......maybe once I am a perm resident we might try again.

Anyways seeing as how I am home alone till next weekend.....I am going to watch a movie now, chuck some lamb on the BBQ and have a quiet night will be weird though, haven't been home alone in this house before !!!

Night Blippers & todays and yesterdays back blip are better viewed LARGE.

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