Picture This

By HilaryIrvine


This says home to me, a collection of things which end up on the fridge.

On the fridge now is the Estate Agent's details of our house as we are hoping to sell the house we have lived in for 9 years and quickly as there is another home we would very much like to live in. When the Estate Agent asked me what I would miss about the house I had to say not a lot really, although I have been happy here and it is the place so much has happened in. My daughter was 4 when we moved in and in Reception and had never been down the road to the shop alone now she crosses town on her own to get to school . My step children have grown up and have their own lives since we bought this house. I got the phone call to tell me that my dad had died here too.

So lots of things happy and sad but now we are moving on (hopefully) taking all the important things with us (including the fridge but not the kitchen sink.)

Anyone want to buy a house in Bristol?

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