Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

These feet were made for walking...

...definitely not crawling...oh no.

Noah wants to walk. He pulls himself up; he demands to be walked round and round the house and periodically he stops and tries to balance.

If he put half the effort into crawling that he does into this faux walking he'd be motoring around by now.

But Henry walks so Noah wants to walk and nothing will persuade him otherwise.

He even has a favoured route around the ground floor. Sitting room - dining room (shout at the abstract 'dancer' artwork on the wall) - Chinese chest (shout at that too) - patio windows - piano - kitchen (shout at the artwork and inspect the dog bed) - utility room (inspect the washing machine and shriek with delight if it's working) - daddy's office (shriek with delight if he spots daddy) - front door - try the stairs - back to sitting room. He steers his 'victim' much as one would steer a paraglider, tugging on one hand or the other to indicate his preferred direction.

We are but slaves to his whims ;-)

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