Yesterday's Tomorrow

By davidc27

Good Haul

Last night was parent's night at my local BB (Boys Brigade(a youth organisation) like the more famous scouts - THOUGH WE WERE FOUNDED FIRST so they basically copied us.

Anyway this was the main trophy I won - "the best all round boy". That makes me the best boy in the establishment, as you can guess I'm feeling pretty big-headed. Really annoyed I didn't win the christian faith trophy, I mean in this year alone I've been baptised in the Lord's name, I've had nearly perfect attendance, I've even joined the church of Scotland ( great Scotland ) and taken holy communion so who won the Christian Faith trophy??

Some other guy, who shant even get a mention.

No, in all seriousness I feel happy for the guy who won it because he's one of my friends and I believe he thoroughly deserved it, so well done to him!

Anyway back to me, and my blip, the big shield I do not get to keep because it belongs to the company but the 'little' one next to it I do get to keep so yes. I did also win things for team competitions but even though I'm struggling to hold up my big head I wont go through them all.

Also on Wednesday I did my first exam -it was English. If this was a play there would be a lot of people going: "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh". I feel it went okay. Close Reading was alright, lot of Understanding questions though. If anyone out there sat the paper I'd love to hear how you found it. The Critical Essay paper was pretty good too, though when I first looked over the questions I was like - "whit???" That's Scottish for "what???" by the way.

Might not blip for a while - I'll try though. Got a lot of exams coming up. Next one's friday and its maths. Wish me luck. I might even tell you what I get in August or whenever they post the results.

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