
By sp33dway

glassblock tealights

I seem to be going through a phase of not being happy with the original image i post on blip, which leads me to think I'm finding the blip-a-day thing a bit of a chore. Either that or I'm just focusing on some of the more important things going on in my life (like spending some quality time with my other 'arf instead of sitting in front of my laptop blipping).

So it may just be a simple case of dwindling enthusiasm but I don't really think so because I adore taking photo's and carrying my camera everywhere, so I think it's just one of those things. A case of the blipshotblues, which happens every so often in a kyndof tri-weekly cycle for me and (i imagine) a lot of other blippers too.

Take todays entry for example - I couldn't really be bothered to photograph anything, snapped a few things, couldn't be bothered to preview the pics properly and ended up posting possibly the worst pic of the bunch first-time-round (a freshly plastered chimney breast in our spare bedroom). Fairlydoos it captured along with my original text what we did that day (namely my little bro-in-law finishing off some handywork) but that's not usually the thing i aim to do with my blip. I usually like to take good photo's and learn something as I'm doing so.

This one is a bit better. But still, my heart wasn't really in it.

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