
By Mooley


I love eating soft ripe strawberries. I have been eating them by the punnet for the last few days.

Every bite feels like the first when my parents used to drive to what felt like forever in the summer to a local field. When we arrived you would see the big hand painted sign "pick your own".

This was like going on holiday. These trips were a real treat. I think dad would always think it would be easier to buy the punnet from the till. But we used to pick up a large green shopping punnet & follow mum into the field. The field always looked huge and smelt sweet of strawberries and of the straw that surrounded the plants.

We would start to pick. Always shouting out to my brother "I've found a big one" showing it to him then eating it slowly.

I was always scared of getting caught eating them buy the farm owner. I think the fact I had red stain round my mouth and down my dress would have been enough for an arrest by the police.

The only down side to the eat four put one in the punnet strategy was the long drive home. The car was always hot with seats that stuck to your legs. The feeling of car sickness could be quite overwelming.

Not that it lasted for long. There was always room for a bowl after dinner or tea when we got home. Strawberries with way to much sugar & vanilla ice cream. So much more pleasing when you have picked your own.

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