
Monday and yet another (almost) full week in the office ahead.

More new office planning, we're getting close. Several meetings and general business. Very wet and cold day, winter has finally arrived and there is snow on them thar hills. Fabulous!

Task tonight, try to find some lost photos. The prognosis however is not good. While we were away a few weeks ago I copied the photos onto a laptop, and data stick. Sadly. Both got toasted in seperate events, and sadly it appears I didn't copy them to my main drive, and thus inclusion in the backup routine.

Of course I am a little cross with myself, made worse by the fact that as of tomorrow I'll have a new setup at work specifically geared around my home backups, and today literally a new 1TB mobile drive arrived to sort the home end.

Oh well, if I am lucky they will be lurking somewhere.

My penance tonight, for my sins, is to start the drive cleanup. Several hours so far and lots more to do during the week. Lesson learned, some loss but I can deal with it, time to do it properly.

I'll flog myself again tomorrow just to ensure the message sinks in ;-)

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