Never took any photos until late and then they were all rubbish. I will start putting some effort in!

Our car always stinks! We bought it about two years ago (I think). It used to used as a taxi and still has stickers on the windows.

One says 'Smoking prohibited in this vehicle',

the other says 'no food or drink to be consumed in this vehicle'.

Now, smoking shouldn't be happening in it but it may be happening from time to time when Mr K is out'n about on his own, (yes he's meant to be giving up)! As for food, well although I really don't like food being eaten in the car (I just think it's disgusting), it does, all the time. There's always a pile of fermenting banana skins stuffed in the drivers door pocket thingy and a pile of crumbs under the booster seat. The booster seat is a health hazard in it's own right. It has two pull out cup holders that J fills with apple cores, plum stones and other various disgusting half eaten comestibles, that are only found when I clean the car, which happens about 4 times a year.

Two new things have happened recently to make our car stink even more! A few weeks ago I chucked a shopping bag onto the back seat. The bag had a milk carton in it, the milk leaked into the seat! It stank of parmesan for a couple of days (despite a thorough clean with various disinfectant, bleachy cleaners) then the smell progressed and the car smelled like there was a dead mouse in it. The smell was fading (with the help of fabreze). Then today, I collected my sisters cat from the cattery and he did a weewee in his cat box which then just leaked onto the back seat!

That's it! We've a really smelly car.

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