Lyn's Things

By Abzquine


edited - this is really a hoyabella so please excuse my rambling text. Also see hereI believe this plant is some version of wandering sailor or Tradescantia. A brief look online and I was lost. But mum in law says its a wandering sailor which is good enough for me.

This plant trails down from its pot suspended from the ceiling in, wait for it... a shell plant hanger! It has the prettiest flowers in little starbursts but sadly once the flowers are gone the cats seem to like to help us prune the thing but playing with the tendrils. Thanks guys!

Anyway today was my first day back at work after two weeks off. It didn't seem as bad as I thought but I seriously lacked motivation all day. Not good.

I'm pretty shattered tonight so off to bed soon... after I've checked blipfoto of course.

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