Picture Consequences

By consequences


Night descends on a small town.

As the Major has one last check of his emails before heading for bed, and Adam tries to make himself comfortable in a strange room, throughout the town all the usual things are taking place.

In dimly-lit front rooms viewers are already complaining about all the repeats; beneath sodium lights, dog-walkers walk dogs; soon, teenagers in the park will take their last rebellious mouthful of cider before cramming peppermints in their mouths and heading home; babies will cry, unable to sleep, while weary parents attend them; the pubs will turf their last few customers out into the street.

People are happy, sad, angry, indifferent, in love, hopeful or despairing. Most of them are drowsy, others have nothing but another sleepless night to look forward to.

Soon, the streets of the town will be quiet and empty.

For the most part, anyway. Though by now, we wouldn't be surprised if there was a visitor or two at a certain building with a blue metal door.


Part One begins here.

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