Rodents rule

By squirk

The Party Elephants

The elephants are wearing boxing gloves and shorts and are called (from left to right) Mr Clegg, Mr Cameron and Mr Brown. This lunchtime ramble through Embankment Gardens took me to the theatre area where there were deckchairs - summer must be here. So I plonked myself in a deckchair and read my book. I've decided to cycle into work now so my commuter book-reading time is zilch unless I make time for reading. Mum is patiently waiting for the book I'm reading so I'd better dedicate more reading time, or else.

The cycle into work is very pleasant in the sun. I avoid all the busy roads and junctions so it's quite leisurely. I even made it up all the hills! The lollipop people are all very nice and smiley and the other road users very considerate. I now have a pass for the work garage, which has a secure cycle lock-up. Brilliant. And I get two hours free exercise each day I go into central London. Bonus! I draw the line at cycling in the rain, though. I admit that I'm a woos. That will be time for commuter reading.

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