a town called E.

By Eej


Right after I'm done playing with my photos-of-the-day and made a selection I'll say:'You wanna see?' and the Beloved gets up from his desk to walk over to see what I've got. Sometimes he'll say:'This one is all yours, hon, good luck', sometimes I'll say:
'You can choose whichever one you want, but it's going to be this one'.

Yeah, it's another flower*. Sue me.

The Beloved 'laaaaaaaaa'ed dramatically when he saw it because he thinks it looks like an open mouth. Which it does. And I will now forever think of Irises as opera divas. *sigh*
Coincidentally; these ones are called 'Jesse's song' and it looks rather nice large :)

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol was closed this morning. If Eyjafjallajökull ashes on my vacation I'm going to personally kick its butt.

*Maybe I should stop reading the forums.

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