
By Jillybean


Divisions. Seven teams. One Meet. And what a great meet it was.

Came in first in the 100 High Hurdles...Something I was a little worried about since Garden City is in our Division. But it worked out so nicely. Now I get a pretty little medal signifying my dominance of our division. Division Champ '09 & '10. =D

I wish I could say that all the girls effort this season paid off in this amazing victory against Garden City. I really wish it was a fairytale ending like that because no one deserves it more then us. We all worked so hard for it. Second place. Idk, I wish I wasn't so bummed about it. But it happens.

Congrats to the Guys team though. They came in first and did really amazing

I wish I could talk about how much I'm gunna miss my teammates and track next year and all the good times we've had. But besides the fact that it'll make me cry our memories could fill a book. I think this picture says enough.

Here's to that. Here's to a great season. Here's to those of us going to counties and then on to state qualifiers (and for the select few states). Best of luck. Counties Tuesday I believe. Need more luck.

Coach Coehlo gave us each our own individual quote to inspire us today...here's mine:
"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination."

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