One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Delight your customers

"Boss, boss, we're good to go, I have double-checked the 100% match between the registration on the vehicle and the registration on the ticket, it has been filled with a back biro,
"Ballpoint pen, Donnacha! Ballpoint pen! Biro is a trademark..."
"... black ballpoint pen, I have folded it as instructed during training, placed it in a weather-proof plastic pouch, sealed the pouch and placed it carefully under the driver's wiper, ascertained that no damage was sustained by the vehicle during the enforcement operation and remembered to take the before and after digital images with our proprietary camera to prove the latter point."
"The pouch Donnacha... The pouch..."
"What is the vehicle's dominant colour?"
"Oops Boss. Shall I swap the yellow rain pouch for a red one?"
"That's it Donnacha! Attention to details young man, attention to details. If we have held the top spot in motorist satisfaction surveys for 12 years in a row, this is no coincidence. The Dublin City Clampers are huns compared to us. But if we are not careful, these illegally parked drivers will reoffend elsewhere. We owe it to our customer base to provide them with a seamless, fully integrated unlawful parking experience tailored to their needs."
"Boss, you are so... you are so... awesome Boss!"
"Not awesome Donnacha, not in my wildest dreams. Just a human being...

Who happens to be cFat Five Beta black belt 3rd dan... "

Donnacha - on the road to parking laws enforcement excellence. Episode 1

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