
By fiend

I'm sorry for deleting the previous blip of the incriminating dancefloor photo but I was feeling a bit guilty for posting a less than flattering image of one of the guests at this wedding. Thank you for the previous comments though.

I like this natural moment during the more formal 'couple shots'. I overheard the bride say to the groom at one point, 'I've been looking forward to this all day, I've been dying to get you on your own' I like the fact that she perceived the two of them plus a photographer with a lens stuck in their faces (discreetly, of course!) as alone. I guess it means I'm doing my job right if they take no notice of me :)

It was a wonderful day with perfect weather and apart from losing a full cf card (since located - I had my phone number written on the back!) it all went swimmingly.

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