Whispers of Little Urchin

By littleurchin


An unexpected photo of Sam! Ok, so it doesnt show his face, but you can still see its him!
He had his Graphics exam today. I think it went well!
It was a rare sunny day today. I woke up in my bedroom with my friend Anna
( Who had stayed fro a sleepover) and we chatted and laughed for a while before we decided it was time for breakfast. Like good little girls we set the table and then tucked into Brioche and toast with jam! :)
went on the computer together, and only realised at half one that anna's dad was coming at two and we werent dressed yet!
Had a rushed lunch in our PJ's, and only just managed to grab a lolly and get dressed in time. We had just finished getting dressed and were headed outside just when her dad came. Very lucky!
relaxed in the sun, stressed when the laptop broke ( fixed now)and i just had a lovely tea.
A busy day.
Love x

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