Hot Pink Cool Shades

Well, all of a sudden it's hot (well, warm), so Gran and Papa decided to take me to the seaside today. Mum realised that I have a complete lack of summer stuff, so popped into Tesco and bought me, amongst other things, these very cool shades. Last year I had a pair of baby banz (check out the boys' version being modelled by Finlay here) but I wouldn't wear them. What a difference this year, I love wearing my shades! I have also attempted to put them on my head and clean the lenses on my top. Mum thinks it's hilarious seeing me quite blatantly copy things I have seen her and Dad do!

Mum was out tonight at her Zumba class with Auntie Katie, so Dad had to put me to bed for the first time since I started insisting that Mum does it. I was not happy about this, and got so upset that I made myself sick - it's been quite a while since I pulled that trick. Dad had to show me the video clip of the Pinky Ponk song at least 20 times until I eventually got so tired that I fell asleep. But it's important that I learn I can't always get what I want (as a principle, not as a Stones song, although I'll probably learn that too).

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