Which Way?

Well, it wasn't UK-bound that was for sure. I reluctantly packed last night as I held little hope of actually going anywhere this morning. When we finally went to bed at silly o' clock, both flights to Liverpool and Luton were going ahead. I was joining Julianna on the Luton one, in order to hot-foot it down to Croydon for a course, but we got to the airport at 5am to be told that our 6am departure was indeed cancelled, due to the closure of Luton. It was strange because there was no mention, whatsoever on either the BBC, NATS, Luton Airport or similar ash-cloud related websites to say that it was shut. Anyway - we said our goodbyes to the other two from the queue for the Wizzair ticket desk and off they went to catch their flight to the recently re-opened Liverpool airport.

J and I got back in a taxi and headed home, with the only benefit of such a ridiculously early start being that there was little traffic about and we were home before Warsaw woke up. I went into work at just gone 6.30am, seeing little point in going back to bed for an hour and therefore left at lunch-time when my hours were done. I struggled to stay awake so snoozed on the sofa, while J made semi-tentative contingency plans for cover for her own part-time job and childcare so that her husband could go back to work, in the event that tomorrow's flight is also cancelled.

We went out for a walk in the evening to blow away the cobwebs and still it was raining, but a mere drizzle in comparison to yesterday. Had a nice supper and a relatively early night, hoping that things would be good in the morning...

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