
By badasian

Fire & Rain

My FIL's roses are starting to bloom like mad, and the colors are just gorgeous. The yellow/orange/pink firey colors are my favorite for roses, so I had to snap a few shots of them.

As for my day, it was quite busy. I started out with a short "TweetUp" w/ some twitter friends - which was awesome (even though I had to leave too soon) - for cupcakes and chit chat. Now that I've broken the ice w/ meeting some new people, I look forward to meeting more local twitter pals (hubby insists on calling them "fritters" even though I insist that is not correct).

We hung out a bit with the MIL, which was a much needed break for her. She needed to get out of her house for bit, so that was great.

Then...THEN...we spent the rest of the day finishing up our shopping spree. Followed by a few hours of setting up new home theater, and all that goes with doing that. Whew!

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