Everyday Life

By nic18

High School Memories

I just recently got home from school this past Sunday and being back at home made me come to the realization that so much has changed even within the past year. Those pictures have been on my wall next to my bed for almost three years now and I can't say that I still keep in touch with everyone in those pictures, however the people that I have stayed connected with have made a very large impact on my life and I'm glad that they're still around. For example, yesterday was my twentieth birthday and one of the young ladies up on that wall (Michelle, who has been one of my best friends since seventh grade and despite our current long distance friendship, is like a sister to me) helped me celebrate it!

On a different note, I decided to make this journal to keep the summer interesting and also to challenge myself to update it daily. I think it'll be something fun to do for the summer in contrast with my part time job, online class, and living back at home. Also, I decided to start up the journal at this very moment in procrastination of my admittance essay for my double major. Hopefully the essay gets done today and I can send off the application and hopefully I get accepted.

This is going to be a long summer...

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