The Sleepy Physicist


Day 1 - The things she gave me...

Ok so, over the last few weeks I lost my girlfriend it was over something that started off really small and should have been easily fixed but things got out of hand and I?ve since made it much worse. She thinks that I?ve changed; that I?m not who I was and that there?s no way I can make it up to her. When I came to uni two years ago I knew I was a long way from home and in those 2 years I?ve been back home for less than 4 weeks. I miss home but she?s always made it ok, now that I?m without her I just don?t know what to do with myself. I got told yesterday that ?actions speak louder than words? but seeing as I can?t go visit her to perform any actions I figured I?d have to settle with a similar sentiment of a ?photograph is worth a thousand words?.

I know that she?s gone forever as my girlfriend, I?ve accepted that, she?s almost certainly right we are better off apart. I hadnt realised until I got a text sent calmly last night. There are things that have happened which can never be fixed, but all I?m looking to achieve by my bliping is to try and forge some sort of friendship from the wreckage. Due to unfortunate circumstances our relationship was always played down, making her think that I wasn?t proud to be seen with her. So the idea is that for the next few days I?m going to take a blip relating to her and hopefully the more views and comments I get the more she will see that I did appreciate her. So thank you for viewing this page.

The photograph today is just an assortment of random items which demonstrate the ways in which she improved my life:

Milk and rice - two fairly normal things for most people but I spent my whole life on a very restricted diet and even though I was able to eat/drink them I wasn?t prepared to. Along with pretty much everything else in my diet she has modified what I eat and down to that I?m feeling better than ever.

Toothbrush ? I?ve only ever cleaned my teeth once a day and I?ve been kidding myself that that was enough my whole life, unfortunately an over £200 dentist bill begged to differ. Although I hated it at the time she nagged me into cleaning my teeth three times a day! I went to the dentist a couple of weeks back and was told I didn?t need to go to see them for another year.

Canada Bear ? so called as he?s from Canada! (no one said it had to be original). A gift brought a long way just for me.

Name badge ? from work, my job caused a lot of problems but the ironic thing is without her I could never had applied for it anyway.

Thank you.

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