The Quiet Plodder

By thequietplodder

Female Golden Orb Weaver Spider

On a visit to the Organ Pipes National Park, located approximately 20 kms north of Melbourne, I came across this rather large Spider. I almost walked into its Web which was 'strung' between two Eucalypt Trees at about head height. A sixth sense (or probably blind luck) made me look up just as I reached the Web - another step further and it would have been a 'spider in my hair'. The Spider is not considered dangerous - though I'd not want to test this statement. The Males are tiny compared to the Females (some might say this is as it should be).

I used some fill flash though being mindful not to get too close (I'm an arachnid coward) and took plenty of photos of 'her' but this seemed to work best. The rest had blur due my shaking!

The Organ Pipes National Park is Australia's smallest National Park at only a few kms square in size. It is noted for its distinctive volcanic flute rock formations and other volcanic remnants, testament to more violent geological times. A place well worth a visit if you are ever near Melbourne, Victoria (Australia).

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