Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Christmas Muffins in May

Made a little batch of Nigella's Christmas muffins tonight. They've come out way too dry, possibly because I used orange essense rather than orange juice so there wasn't enough liquid. Bah.

They're still entirely edible, just not quite the ridiculous standards I hold myself to when baking. It's the only thing (well cooking included) that I always feel I could do 'just that little bit better' in. I think I'm ruined by mass produced baked goods and always assume mine should be the same. But since they're not full of absolute crap and e-numbers, it's unlikely it's ever going to happen.

Muffins are a perfect example. Since I was young, muffins have always been the type you see in Sainsburys. They overflow the case perfectly and always have a slightly sticky 'muffin top'. When you make muffins yourself it doesn't work. I'm not sure if putting some liquid glucouse on top before baking would work...ugh!! But these tonight only served to further enhance my opinion that I LOVE Nigella's cooking.....but there are far better bakers out there.

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