Me again

I wasn't going to blip Maya today... but I just love this so here she is again.

Got a new paddling pool for the boys today to celebrate some long awaited warmer weather. They had a ball.

Went for our usual Friday night gathering out our village pub with friends and their kids + those brave enough with grown up kids who dare to join us....

MT caused a real panic. he went in the pub with our friend when we went to check a minute later, he was no where to be seen... Its not a big pub or a busy pub... we are usually the ony people in there early evening. The pub was hunted, toilets checked, garden bushs, play house.... nooks and crannies .... no where.... we had people up the road, down the road, off to the park, round our house, round our friends house. I turned into a manic arm waving woman outside the pub flagging down any car down as it passed by to check they hadn't seen him.... I was pulling my hair out... He is only 3 yrs old so you can imagine.... 15 minutes or so we were searching.. I was distruaght as was everyone... we must have had 15 or so people dashing around trying to locate him.

Just as my hubby was calling the police... the landlady who was going to check the cellar again... heard a rustling and found him curled up on top of the chairs under one of the dinning room tables. Out of view due to the table cloth.... two people had checked under the tables.

Relief .. and thankfully just a very scary game of hide and seek! At home he can't keep quiet for a second when we play....

I just wanted to record the event in my journel so one day he will appreciate the trauma he put us through... he just thought he was very clever...

Not something I ever want to go through again...

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