Par Mes Yeux

By MesYeux

L'église Bleue

After a wonderfully delicious lunch with friends, we decided to go thrift shopping at the local Goodwill store. Most of the items for sale were little more than junk that someone had discarded and Goodwill was nice enough to take. However, there were a few trinkets that caught my eye.

I purchased three hardcover books, two of which were gifts for others, a beautiful Christmas-themed bell for my mom, and this little glass church. It's one of those where you put a small candle behind it and it casts the shadow on the wall. I thought it might make for an interesting little blip.

It's not really blue, however. I was playing around with picasa, the free editing software available from google, and I just thought that this color looked nice. Picasa is really quite handy to use, and it allowed me to darken the background, raise the highlights of the illuminated "church," and change the color. I kind of like how it turned out. =)

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