My Angle

By myangle

Wynnum Harbour again.

1/200th sec, f10, 200ISO, 28-105mm lens @ 35mm

I am trying to spend less time on my blips. It isn't really working, but the intent is there. Late this arvo we decided to take a drive along the esplanade to look for a blip. These pelicans and seagulls were in the right place at the right time. This is the same place I took a photo on a glorious morning a few months ago in the morning. Quite a contrast. It has been drizzling most of the week. I am looking forward to a change in the weather. It would also be nice if someone moved that darn boat! Its been there for weeks now.

Today we had the exciting task of going to the accountant to do Jo's fathers tax. The most entertaining bit was seeing the most inept display of driving in the tight carpark. I was quite amused and alarmed to see how long it took the driver to navigate out of one space into another. Perhaps wisely I decided to park elsewhere.

Tomorrow we are off to Stanthorpe for another long weekend before we go back to work next week. I am going to try and fit in a quick game of golf at a private par3 course there. Apart from that there is no real agenda apart from doing the market on Sunday morning.

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