Bonny Granny's Bonnet
We've just had a huge clear out in the garden. Actually more like a "back to basics" rampage - mainly to get it back into a state two people who work full time can cope with!
Only a handful of the original plants - most of which were hugely overgrown - have survived, and this is one of them. I was so pleased when this started to naturalise and spread in the garden - one of my all time favourites. And right now it's looking beautiful in the shade of the lilac tree I planted as a memorial to my Dad. A blip for another day this coming week no doubt!
I'm thinking about getting some roses for the garden, which is ironic as when we moved here 10 years ago, that's what we dug out to make room for the new design. Shows you always come back to classics huh?
Of course with today's scorching sunshine, now realise that our timing in getting rid of all the old garden furniture perhaps wasn't quite so smart!
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